Cappelletti and Multi-Landy defenses to 1NT

I recently wrote an article comparing the Cappelletti and Multi-Landy defenses to One NoTrump. It is fairly clear that Multi Landy is far superior. Multi Landy has been in common use in Europe for decades – but not in the USA where the inferior Cappelletti is widely played. See the comments section below for the reason that Multi-Landy is not commom in the USA – It is apparently not sanctioned by the ACBL!!!

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3 Responses to “Cappelletti and Multi-Landy defenses to 1NT”

  1. Dave Florence Says:

    My partner and I just learned Multi Landy and while playing duplicate at a bridge club this week, we bid it and alerted. Our opponent said Multi Landy was not a legal bid. Is this correct? She said the only legal bids over 1 NT that showed a six card suit were 2 Clubs or Double.
    Dave Florence

  2. pattayabridge Says:

    Hi Dave

    Every country, and indeed club, has its own rules and regulations. In the USA Cappelletti is popular (so 2c shows a 6-card suit) and DON’T is also fairly common (dbl shows a 6 card suit). Multi Landy is a well established convention and common in Europe – and in my opinion it is far superior to Cappelletti. Of course it would be nonsense to not allow it but I am not the ACBL. Since the bid was alerted (it has to be) then I see absolutely no problem, but you would have to ask your club/tournament director.

    Incidentally, I found a few interesting articles about defenses to 1NT in
    and a couple of articles state how much better Multi Landy is than Cappelletti. But I do note that one contributor states ‘Unfortunately Capp is allowed under ACBL GCC regulations while multi-Landy is not, which may explain their relative popularity.’

    Obviously the ACBL have no idea what they are doing, quite why Cappelletti is allowed in the USA and Multi Landy apparently not is total nonsense. Perhaps the EBU should ban Cappelletti in the UK?

  3. Edward Says:

    A propos legal conventions, I am told Suction (against 1NT) is banned. Is this just ACBL or the EBU as well? All is fair in love and bridge, and if a 12-14 1NT steals bidding space, stealing it back with Suction seems fair game.

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