Posts Tagged ‘queries’

Bridge questions

October 4, 2007

The Pattaya bridge club web site has a page of common bridge questions (FAQS) where many frequently asked questions are answered. I get lots of e-mails asking various questions about bridge bidding and other aspects of the game. So I have also set up this post; if you have a general bridge question then simply click the ‘comments’ link below and ask it. Your query will appear on this website immediately and I’ll answer it within 24 hrs.
The Pattaya bridge club also has a number of interesting pages that answer many questions. To know if a bid is forcing (in Standard American or Acol) check out Is It Forcing. The When RHO doubles page give you the standard meanins of bids when partner opens and RHO makes a take-out double. There is also a page specifically on doubles – take-out, panalty or what? And what does a 3NT rebid by opener mean?